Prof. Dr. Morgan Trassin

Prof. Dr. Morgan Trassin
Lecturer at the Department of Materials
ETH Zürich
- Work phone +41 44 633 77 78
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Additional information
Research area
Complex oxide thin films and heterostructures.
Course Catalogue
Spring Semester 2025
Number | Unit |
327-0413-00L | Materials Characterization II |
327-0622-00L | Materials Selection |
327-0623-00L | Materials Processing |
327-2226-00L | Ethics and Scientific Integrity for Doctoral Students (MaP Doctoral School) |

We work on the epitaxial deposition of functional oxide thin films. We use in-situ diagnostic tools during the pulsed laser depostion process to advance the design of technologically relevant oxide thin films. In particual the combination of state of the art non-linear optics monitoring and electron spectroscopy in situ allows to investigate the dynamics of the functional properties as we grow the films form the very first unit cell. We improve the understanding of the evolution of physical properties of epitaxial thin films in the ultrathin regime and investige interface related phenomena in multilayers.

Head of the Nonlinear optics for Epitaxial growth of Advanced Thin films laboratory (NEAT lab)
Currently running the Nonlinear optics for Epitaxial growth of Advanced Thin films (NEAT) laboratory within the institute of Multifunctional Ferroic Materials in the Materials Department, Prof. Trassin is leading a research team focusing on oxide interfaces and epitaxial ferroelectric and multiferroic thin films. His research involves the thin multifunctional film growth by pulsed laser deposition and the advanced characterization of their domain structures. Prof. Trassin is pioneering the investigation of thin films functionalities in-situ, during the epitaxial synthesis, using an unprecedented combination of experimental techniques.
-Developing in situ analysis technologies towards the investigation of the early stage of ferroelctricity during epitaxial growth.
-Pioneering strategies for functional properties stabilization in the ultrathin regime.
-Design of unconventional functional interfaces with atomic precision.
-Pulsed laser deposition (Rheed assisted) combined with sputtering capabilities
-Advanced X-ray diffraction analysis
-Scanning probe microscopy (PFM, AFM, MFM…)
-Thin film Technology
-Ethics and good scientific practice
-Materials processing
-Materials characterization
-Materials selection
Since 2022 : Tit. Professor at ETH Zurich, Materials Department
2017/2022 : Lecturer and group leader at the ETH Zurich, Materials Department.
- Advanced ceramics, oxide thin filmm epitaxy, multiferroic and ferroelectric thin films
2013/2017 : Senior scientist at the ETH Zurich, Materials department.
-pecial expertise in thin film technology
2009/2013 : Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California Berkeley, Department of Material Science and Engineering, CONCEPT lab, Berkeley, CA.
-elaboration and insertion of magnetoelectric materials into energy efficient heterostructures leading to the achievement of an innovative way to manipulate magnetization direction with low energy consuming electric fields
2006/2009 : Ph.D. thesis at the University of Strasbourg (UDS), Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials in Strasbourg (IPCMS), France. Fellowship from the National Research Government.
-elaboration and characterization of the room temperature Magnetoelectric compound Ga2-xFexO3 thin films by pulsed laser deposition.

Probe of ferroelectricity in situ during the thin film synthesis. We recently developped the tool to monitor the emergence of ferroelectricity in epitaxial ferroelectric thin films and superlattices during the depsotion process.
(G De Luca et al, Nat. Comm. 2017)

- Zhou Z, Trassin M, et al., « Probing electric field control of magnetism using ferromagnetic resonance»,
Nature Communications, 6, 6082 (2015) - Heron J. T., Bosse J. L., et al., « Deterministic switching of ferromagnetism at room temperature using an electric field»,
Nature, 516, 370 (2014) - Unguris J., Bowden S. R., et al., « Simultaneous imaging of the ferromagnetic and ferroelectric structure in multiferroic heterostructures»,
Applied Physics Letters Materials, 2, 076109 (2014) - Kahn A. I. , Yu P., et al., « The effect of strain relaxation on the doelectric properties of epitaxial ferroelectric PZT thin films»,
Applied Physics Letters, 105, 022903 (2014) - Becher C, Trassin M, et al., «Functional ferroic heterostructures with tunable integral symmetry»,
Nature communications, 5, 4295 (2014) - Gao P, Britson J, et al., « Ferroelastic domain switching dynamics under electrical and mechanical excitations»,
Nature Communications, 5, 3801 (2014) - Seidel J, Trassin M, et al., « Electronic Properties of Isosymmetric Phase Boundaries in Highly Strained Ca-Doped BiFeO3»,
Advanced Materials, 26, 4376 (2014) - Pravarthana D, Trassin M, et al., «BiFeO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3heterostructures deposited on spark plasma sinteredLaAlO3substrates»,
Applied Physics Letters 104,082914 (2014) - Trassin M*, Clarkson J. D., et al. «Interfacial coupling in multiferroic/ferromagnet heterostructures»,
Physical Review B, 87, 134426 (2013) - Rayan Serrao C, Jian Liu, et al., «Epitaxy-distorted spin-orbit Mott insulator in Sr2IrO4 thin films»,
Physical Review B, 87, 085121 (2013) - Zhou J, Trassin M, et al., « Directed assembly of nano-scale phase variants in highly strained BiFeO3 thin films»,
Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 064102 (2012) - Heron J. T, Trassin M*et al., « Electric-Field-Induced Magnetization Reversal in a Ferromagnet-Multiferroic Heterostructure»,
Physical Review Letter, 107, 217202 (2011) - Zhang J. X, He Q, et al., « Microscopic Origin of the Giant Ferroelectric Polarization in Tetragonal-like BiFeO3»,
Physical Review Letter, 107, 147602 (2011) - Pauly M, Pichon B.P, et al., « Monolayer and multilayer assemblies of spherically and cubic-shaped iron oxide nanoparticles»,
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 16018-16027 (2011) - Trassin M, N. Viart, et al., «Room temperature ferrimagnetic thin films of the magnetoelectric Ga2-xFexO3»,
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19, 8876 (2009) - Trassin M, N. Viart, et al., « Ultraflat monocrystalline Pt (111) electrodes»,
Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 106101 (2009) - Trassin M, N. Viart et al., « Epitaxial thin films of multiferroic GaFeO3 on conducting indium tin oxide (001) buffered yttrium-stabilized zirconia (001) by pulsed laser deposition »,
Applied Physics Letters, 91, 202504 (2007) - Fix T, Trassin M et al., « How to obtain a magnetic hard-soft architecture by pulsed laser deposition »,
Nanotechnology, 18, 495708 (2007)
- Physics viewpoint: M. Fiebig, « Zigzag polarization straightens magnetization out » Physics 4, 95 (2011).
- Nature, research highlights: Technology: « Low-power magnetic switch » Nature 408, 8 (2011).
- Nature, news and views: « Materials science: Two steps for a magnetoelectric switch », Nature 516, 337 (2014).
- Designing polar states during complex oxide thin film growth, PACRIM 13 2019, Okinawa, Japan
- Monitoring and design of polar states during complex oxide thin film growth, DQMP Seminar 2019, Geneva, Switzerland
- Monitoring and design of polar states during complex oxide thin film growth, CNRS Thales Seminar 2019, Paris France
- Monitoring the emergence of polarization during complex oxide thin film growth, E-MRS Fall 2018, Warsaw, Poland
- Invited lectures on nonlinear optics for probing ferroic oxide thin films, J-Physics 2018 Summer school, Osaka, Japan
- Monitoring the emergence of polarization in ferroelectric oxide heterostructures, 3rd Functional oxide thin films for advanced energy and information technology conference 2017, Rome, Itlay
- Monitoring polar states of growing multiferroic heterostructures, EMA 2017, Orlando, FL
- Non linear optics in multiferroic heterostructures, towards low energy consumption spintronics. SCTE, 2016, Zaragoza, Spain
- Low energy consumption spintronics and nonlinear optics in multiferroic heterostructures. SFB 762, 2015, Halle, Germany
- Low energy consumption spintronics using multiferroic heterostructures. DPG 2015, Berlin, Germany
- Controlling ferromagnetism using electric fields in multiferroic heterostructures. CMM 2013, Strasbourg, France
- Interfacial coupling in multiferroic/ferromagnet heterostructures., QUANTUM IN COMPLEX MATTER 2013, Ischia, Italy
- Coupling magnetism to electricity in multiferroic magnetoelectric heterostructures., E-MRS Fall 2012, Warsaw, Poland
- Electric Field Control of Magnetization and Magnetic Multilayer Device , Intermag 2012, Vancouver, Canada
- Electric-Field-Induced Magnetization Reversal using Multiferroics based Heterostructures, CNST NIST, april 2012, Gaithersburg, MD
- Electric-Field-Induced Magnetization Reversal using multiferroics, The Young Engineers + Scientists Symposium (YESS), march 2012, Berkeley, CA
- Electric-Field-Induced Magnetization Reversal using multiferroics, APS march 2012, Boston, MA
- Electric-Field-Induced Magnetization Reversal in a Ferromagnet-Multiferroic Heterostructure , E3S nov 2011, Berkeley, CA
- Multiferroic materials, New functionalities for spintronic, IPCMS 2011, Strasbourg, France