THz spectrometer

THz TDS setup
We have a versatile THz time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) setup. The set is capable of performing the stardard TDS experiments along with the optical pump-THz probe and nonlinear 2D THz experiments. We use several nonlinear crystals to generate THz radiation: ZnTe, GaSe and GaP. We use IR pulses (120 fs, 1 kHz, 800 nm) from an amplified Ti:Sapphire laser to optical rectification. For THz detection via free-space electro optic sampling, we use ZnTe crystals. The THz radiation in our set up spans from 0.1 - 3 THz, with a high spectral resolution. The use of cryostats enable us to perform measurements from room temperature down to 1.9 K and in presence of magnetic field as high as 5 T.