The Group

In our Laboratory, headed by Prof. Manfred Fiebig, we investigate materials where strong coupling between electrons leads to novel types of ordering processes of its spins and charges. Our scope is to study the fundamental physics of these materials with a focus on basic research, yet including the perspective on their technological relevance. 

The experimental core technology of our group is nonlinear optical spectroscopy based on pulsed laser systems. In addition, we apply atomic force microscopy and standard magnetic and dielectric characterization methods. Furthermore, our pulsed-laser deposition facilities allow to design next-generation multifunctional thin films and heterostructures in house.

  • Multiferroics, which are simultaneously (anti-) ferromagnetic, ferroelectric and ferroelastic and/or ferrotoroidic.
  • Transition-metal oxides with interface states different from the bulk.
  • Strongly correlated materials with phase transitions determined by    the competition of spins, charges, lattice and strain.
  • New states of matter driven by the excitation with ultrafast optical   pulses.
  • Nonlinear optics, second harmonic generation, laser spectroscopy.
  • Thin films growth and multifunctional heterostructures towards low energy consuming spintronics.

Research Teams

Part of our Laboratory are four Research Teams which are led by Morgan Trassin and Thomas Lottermoser focussing on growth of oxide thin films, nonlinear optics, numerical simulations, terahertz spectroscopy, ultrafast dynamics and scanning probe microscopy on (multi-) ferroic and strongly correlated materials,: