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Open PhD Position

We currently have an open position PhD position in nonlinear laser spectroscopy on novel types of ferroic order and domains. Please click here for more information about this position and how to apply.

Publication List

  • Multiferroics, which are simultaneously (anti-) ferromagnetic, ferroelectric and ferroelastic and/or ferrotoroidic.
  • Transition-metal-oxides with interface states different from the bulk.
  • Strongly correlated materials with phase transitions determined by the competition of spins, charges, lattice and strain.
  • New states of matter driven by the excitation with ultrafast optical and THz pulses.
  • Nonlinear optics, second harmonic generation, laser spectroscopy.
  • Thin films growth and multifunctional heterostructures towards low energy consuming spintronics.

Read more about our research here.

Get a list of publications of the group here.

Research Topics

  • Multiferroics, which are simultaneously (anti-) ferromagnetic, ferroelectric and ferroelastic and/or ferrotoroidic.
  • Transition-metal-oxides with interface states different from the bulk.
  • Strongly correlated materials with phase transitions determined by the competition of spins, charges, lattice and strain.
  • New states of matter driven by the excitation with ultrafast optical and THz pulses.
  • Nonlinear optics, second harmonic generation, laser spectroscopy.
  • Thin films growth and multifunctional heterostructures towards low energy consuming spintronics.

Read more about our research here.

Get a list of publications of the group here.

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Introduction to our group and our research

Selected Publications

List of all publications of the group

Download List of Manfred Fiebig's publications (PDF, 111 KB)


Chia-Jung Yang

Chia-Jung Yang has been awarded the external page DPG-INNOMAG Award in Magnetism by the the Division of Magnetism of the German Physical Society (DPG). Each year the INNOMAG Prize honors the best dissertation related to magnetism, which has been awarded to her thesis titled "Exploring ultrafast dynamics of electrons in heavy fermions by THz time-domain spectroscopy". D-MATL News

Joohee Bang

Joohee Bang has been awarded a Poster Award at the external page DGK Young Crystallographer's 10th anniversary Meeting at DESY, Hamburg for her poster presentation with the title “Probing octahedral tilts in ferroelectric oxide superlattices with three-dimensional diffuse X-ray scattering”.

Jan Gerrit Horstmann

Jan Gerrit Horstmann has received an external page SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship. Within the scope of the project, he will explore optically-induced phase transitions and nonequilibrium dynamics of domains and domain walls in ferroic materials.

Thomas Weber

Martin Sarott won the prize for the best presentation for his invited talk at the conference on «Electronic Materials and Applications 2023 (EMA)» in Orlando, organized by the American ceramics society, with William Huxter from D-PHYS as runner-up. Both prizes have been awared to ETH students.

Thomas Weber

Thomas Weber, the head of the X-​ray platform at D-​MATL and senior scientist associated with the ferroic group, receives the external page Will-​Kleber Commemorative Coin from the German Society for Crystallograph, awarded annually by the external page German Society for Crystallography for outstanding scientific contributions in selected fields of crystallography. D-MATL News

Jan Gerrit Horstmann

Jan Gerrit Horstmann has been awarded an ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship, enabling him to develop novel experimental methods for the investigation of correlation dynamics in multiferroics with high spatio-temporal resolution.

Feifan Wang

Feifan Wang has received the ETH Career Seed Award, granting an autonomous research project as a timely kick-​off for his own future academic career. The project is about mechanistic study of scale-​free ultrafast switchable ferroelectrics by using terahertz and optical pump-​probe methods.


Manfred Fiebig is be­ing hon­ored with the Stern-​Gerlach Medal of the Ger­man Phys­ical So­ci­ety, their highest dis­tinc­tion in Ex­per­i­mental Phys­ics. The medal will be awarded at the DPG spring meeting 2023 in Dresden. D-MATL News


In our recent publication in Science, titled external page 'Magnetoelectric transfer of a domain pattern', we discuss how one can transfer ferroic domain patterns in multiferroic Dy0.7Tb0.3FeO3 from magnetization to polarization and vice versa by applying appropriate electric and magnetic fields.


Ipek Efe won the prize for the best overall poster at the annual International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics 2022 (ISAF 2022) sponsored by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S) in Tours, France for her poster entitled: "In-situ monitoring of polarization dynamics during layered-ferroelectrics epitaxial design". external page IEEE-ISAF


We are pleased that two members of our group are awarded with the title of professor! Arkadiy was appointed as Assistant Professor, and Morgan as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Materials. The official announcement can be found in the ETH News.


Manfred Fiebig received the Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids for pioneering nonlinear optical spectroscopy studies that led to a fundamental understanding of the emergence and coupling of electric and magnetic orders at the level of domains and domain walls. The prize has been awarded at the 2022 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Chicago.


Ipek Efe was selected to participate in the external page Global Young Scientists Summit 2022 as one of the representatives of ETH Zürich. The Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore brings together bright young researchers and top scientific minds from around the world to discuss science and technology trends, future game changers and how research could address major global challenges.


Manfred Fiebig became a corresponding member of the "Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz". The academy is an interregionally oriented association of personalities from the fields of science, literature and music. It is a place of dialogue that focuses on interdisciplinary exchange.


We are delighted to announce that our colleague Marcela Giraldo was selected as one of the 35 young women in science from the ETH domain to join external page CONNECT, a career boosting program where she will be exposed to role models from academia, industry and the public sector in Switzerland. We warmly congratulate Marcela for this achievement.

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