News & Events



Valentine Gillioz

We welcome a new PhD student, Valentine Gillioz, to the group. She has joined the NEAT lab as a PhD student working on oxide thin film growth and optical control on polar textures in epitaxial heterostructures.


Dandelion Award Winners

Joohee Bang has successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled "Non-invasive three-dimensional probing of atomic order in single-crystalline thin films". From June, she will embark on the next journey as a Postdoctoral Appointee in the Materials Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory. Congratulations, Joohee!



Dandelion Award Winners

Prof. Dr. Morgan Trassin has been awarded the Golden Owl, which honors exceptional teaching. The Owl is awarded by VSETH, ETH Zurich’s student association. One lecturer per department is awarded this honor by the students’ department association, and the recipient of the award is directly selected by the students attending the courses. Being the only award at ETH that is given from students to professors and scientific staff, the Golden Owl is a unique award that rewards exceptional teaching efforts that are often overlooked. Congratulations, Morgan!


Dandelion Award Winners

Prof. Dr. Morgan Trassin has been honored with the prestigious Dandelion Award. This award provides a unique opportunity for students, Ph.D. candidates, and Post-Doctoral researchers to nominate and vote for professors who have demonstrated exceptional commitment and leadership in fostering entrepreneurship. A diverse jury of representatives from key student bodies, such as the Student Project House (SPH), ETH Juniors, Academic Association of Scientific Staff at ETH Zurich (AVETH), and ETH Entrepreneur Club, then collaborate to select a deserving winner from the different departments.


Lea Forster

Lea Forster has successfully defended her thesis titled “The roles of rare-earth ions in ABO3 compounds: More than meets the eye”. Congratulations, Lea!


Zekai Chen and Andrin Caviezel

We welcome two new PhD students to the group:  Andrin Caviezel and Zekai Chen will be joining us, working in the Nonlinear Optics group and the TeraDynamics Group respectively. A warm welcome to both of you!


Jingwen Li

Jingwen Li has successfully defended her thesis titled “Optical Signatures of Phase Transitions in Quantum Materials”. Congratulations, Jingwen!


Lunar Eclipse

Ipek Efe was selected to receive a Student Travel Grant for her participation in the Joint Symposium 2024, organized by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society, which will take place in Taipei, Taiwan in September. She will present her work on "Nanoscale electrostatic control in ferroelectric thin films through lattice chemistry engineering" and will take part in the organization of student events as a Junior Student Representative. We wish her a great time in Taipei!


Lunar Eclipse

We are pleased to welcome a new member to the group. Erik de Voss is joining our group as a postdoc! Welcome to the group, Erik!


Lunar Eclipse

Ipek Efe was selected as a student representative in the external page IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society for the Ferroelectrics technical area. She will hold this position in the Administrative Committee for two years and will take part in the organization of student events at the coming UFFC conferences: Joint Symposium 2024 and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) 2025. We congratulate Ipek on her role and wish her two successful years ahead!



Lunar Eclipse

Nature is experimenting… Saturday, 28 October 2023 at 22.10.


Yannik Zemp

Yannik Zemp has successfully defended his thesis titled “Trilinear order-parameter coupling in multiferroic materials”. Congratulations, Yannik!


Marvin Müller

Martin Sarott has successfully defended his thesis titled “Tailoring ferroelectric domain formation in epitaxial oxide thin films”. Congratulations, Martin!


Marvin Müller

Marvin Müller has successfully defended his thesis titled “Time-resolved study of the switching of multiferroic BiFeO3”. Congratulations, Marvin!


Jan Gerrit Horstmann

Jan Gerrit Horstmann has received an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship. Within the scope of the project, he will explore optically-induced phase transitions and nonequilibrium dynamics of domains and domain walls in ferroic materials.


Chia-Jung Yang

Chia-Jung Yang has successfully defended her thesis titled “Exploring Ultrafast Dynamics of Electrons in Heavy Fermions by THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy”. Congratulations, Chia!


Martin Sarott and

Our group has been part of the SPINSters ES, the fastest team of the the SOLA relay race, which has been awarded the golden shoe of D-MATL. The team finished a whopping 35th overall in 8:39:13! What a running feat!


Martin Sarott and

Ipek Efe was selected among a competitive pool of applicants and will receive a financial award given by external page IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society at the upcoming external page IEEE International Symposium for Application of Ferroelectrics (ISAF), which will be held between 23-27 July in Cleveland, Ohio. At the symposium, she will give a talk about her research on the nanoscale design of layered ferroelectrics using polarization monitoring in-situ. We wish her a great time in Cleveland!


Marcela Giraldo, PhD

Marcela Giraldo has successfully defended her thesis titled “Probing Domains and Topological Defects in Ferroics”. Congratulations, Marcela!


Martin Sarott and William Huxter

Martin Sarott won the prize for the best presentation for his invited talk at the conference on «Electronic Materials and Applications 2023 (EMA)» in Orlando, organized by the American ceramics society! He is followed by William Huxter from D-PHYS, who was awarded the second best presentation prize. Congratulations to both of you! Both works focus on recent advances in the field of ferroelectric thin films.


Manfred Fiebig

Thomas Weber, the head of the X-​ray platform at D-​MATL and associated senior scientist to the ferroic group, receives the Will-​Kleber Commemorative Coin from the German Society for Crystallography.

The external page Will-​Kleber Commemorative Coin is awarded annually by the external page German Society for Crystallography for outstanding scientific contributions in selected fields of crystallography. Thomas Weber, head of the X-​ray platform at D-​MATL, receives the award for his methodological work on the study of disordered crystals using diffuse X-​ray scattering. D-MATL News



Manfred Fiebig

Manfred Fiebig receives the external page Stern-​Gerlach Medal of the German Physical Society (DPG). The external page Stern-​Gerlach Medal is DPG's highest distinction in experimental physics.

The German Physical Society awards Manfred Fiebig the medal for the development and application of nonlinear optics as a method for visualizing ferroic states, leading to fundamental advances in the understanding of ferroic states and materials.


Amadé Bortis, PhD

Amadé Bortis has successfully defended his thesis titled “Critical behaviour and domain formation in low-dimensional ferroic systems”. Congratulations, Amadé!


Partial Eclipse

Cataclysmic event at ETH! Today we were able to observe a partial eclipse outside our offices. Certainly a good omen for much successful research in the future.


Eduardo Barriuso Fernandez

We welcome Eduardo Barriuso Fernández to the group! Barri is a PhD student from the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA-CSIC) and will join the PLD group as an academic guest for three months. He will be working with Morgan Trassin on the ferroelectric behavior of hafnia and the growth of free-standing bismuth ferrite films with pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Welcome, Barri!



Jan Gerrit Hostmann has joined our group as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Gerrit has done his PhD at the University of Göttingen and is interested in ultrafast imaging of correlation dynamics. Welcome to the group, Gerrit!


Hans Kroha

Prof. Hans Kroha from the University of Bonn has joined our group as an academic guest for six months. We are looking forward to our time together and are looking forward to fruitful collaborations.


Magnetoelectric transfer

In our recent publication in Science volume 377 titled external page 'Magnetoelectric transfer of a domain pattern', we discuss how one can transfer ferroic domain patterns in multiferroic Dy0.7Tb0.3FeO3 from magnetization to polarization and vice versa by applying appropriate electric and magnetic fields. The process is reminiscent of quantum teleportation, where information cannot be transferred from a sender to a receiver without losing the information at the sender. Our work experimentally illustrates this process and discusses the phenomenon within Landau theory.


Ipek Efe, prize winner

Ipek Efe won the prize for the best overall poster at the annual International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics 2022 (ISAF 2022) sponsored by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S) in Tours, France for her poster entitled: "In-situ monitoring of polarization dynamics during layered-ferroelectrics epitaxial design". external page IEEE-ISAF


Elzbieta Gradauskaite, PhD

Elzbieta Gradauskaite has successfully defended her thesis titled “Interfacial control of ferroic order in oxide heterostructures”. Congratulations Elsa!


Morgan Trassin and Arkadiy Simonov

A new step for the Ferroic group with the appointment
of two new professors.

We are proud to announce that two Multifunctional Ferroic Materials group members were promoted to Professors. Dr. Morgan Trassin leading the research team focusing on oxide interfaces and epitaxial ferroelectric and multiferroic thin films in the group was appointed as adjunct professor in the Materials Department. This nomination recompenses his internationally recognized research expertise and involvement in the department’s teaching programmes.
On a great track after his recent Ambizione fellowship, Dr. Arkadiy Simonov will soon start his own research group as an assistant professor in the Department. His group will focus on the way to create, manipulate and utilize disorder in functional materials, and, thanks to generous SNF funding, will expand in the realm of quantum materials. We are looking forward to continuing our exciting collaboration with him!




To celebrate the coming of summer, and our heroic SOLA performance, we had a small BBQ!

Thank you Marvin for organizing!


Last minute bad luck can’t stop us! Congratulations to our team Overarching Scrutinizers for completing the SOLA race after 2 years of break with outstanding (😉) scores despite the last minute runner changes. Run Ferroics run!




We welcome Jacqueline Thissen to the group! Jacqueline will take over the role of the administrative assistant.


Pauline Dufour from the CNRS Thales research group has visited us for a short, three-week academic exchange. It has been a pleasure to work with you and to enjoy an amazing farewell celebration at Alumni Lounge. We wish you all the best for the rest of you PhD!





We welcome Susanne Blatter to the group! Susanne will take over as the administrative assistance of the group. Thank you Susanne!


As is our tradition we, celebrate Christmas by having dinner together. We spend this evening in a magical atmosphere remembering and summarizing the last year and enjoying a swiss fondue.



Arkadiy Simonov have received Eccellenza professorial fellowship from Swiss National Science Foundation. Eccellenza supports highly qualified researchers by allowing them to lead a generously funded research project as an assistant professor with their team at a Swiss higher education institution.
In this project Arkadiy will continue investigation of disordered materials but in addition to the chemical disorder he investigates now he will add a more challenging field of disorder driven by degenerate electron orbitals.



Ahmed Samir Lotfy joined our group as a graduate student after finishing his Masters degree in Dresden. He will work on low-temperature scanning probe microscopy together with Youun Heo.



Ipek Efe was selected to participate in the external page Global Young Scientists Summit 2022 as one of the representatives of ETH Zürich. The Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore brings together bright young researchers and top scientific minds from around the world to discuss science and technology trends, future game changers and how research could address major global challenges. At the Summit, participants will take part in lectures, plenary sessions and panel discussions and they will have the opportunity to interact with and be mentored by speakers including the Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Millennium Technology Prize and Turing Award recipients in informal small group sessions.



We are delighted to announce that our colleague Marcela Giraldo was selected as one of the 35 young women in science from the ETH domain to join external page CONNECT, a career boosting program where she will be exposed to role models from academia, industry and the public sector in Switzerland. We warmly congratulate Marcela for this achievement.

Rohit Kumar


We welcome Rohit Kumar as a guest researcher from our collaborators at the University of Naples. Rohit will stay for 6 months in our group and perform optical experiments on highly correlated oxides.


Dr. Feifan Wang


We are happy to welcome Dr. Feifan Wang as a Postdoc in our group! Feifan will join our optics team and investigate ultrafast dynamics in ferroics and other highly correlated systems by optical pump-probe methods.

Dr. Yooun Heo


We have the pleasure to welcome Dr. Yooun Heo as postdoctoral researcher in our group. Yooun will lead our low-temperature scanning probe team. He will work on the microscopy of ferroic materials at low temperatures and high magnetic and electric fields.


Aaron Müller

We welcome Aaron Müller as a new member of the Ferroic group! Aaron is joining our Numerical Simulations subgroup and will perform Monte-Carlo and phase-field simulations of ferroic and other highly correlated systems during his PhD.


Dr. Robert Roth

We are deeply saddended by the news, that our dear colleague, Dr. Robert Roth, has lost his battle against a serious illness. He passed away on Saturday, May 29, 2021. R.I.P. dear Robert.


Ipek Efe

We are happy to welcome Ipek Efe as an "official" member of the Ferroic group! Ipek has been joining us already as a master student/assistant. She will continue her studies as a doctoral student in Dr. Morgan Trassin's ERC INSEETO team. We all wish you a good start.


Prof. Dr. Kathrin Dörr

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Kathrin Dörr, guest professor from the Martin-Luther-University, Institute for Physics, Halle, Germany. She will work with the Ferroic group from March 1, to May 31, 2021. 



Floris Van Riel

Floris Van Riel joins the group as an exchange student from Einthoven University, Holland. In his project he will investigate spin transport phenomena in ferroelectric/metal-based heterostructure devices. Floris will join us until December 18, 2020. We all wish you a good start!


Joohee Bang, doctorate student

We are happy to welcome Joohee Bang as a new member of the Ferroic group! During her PhD she will investigate the Development of single crystal diffuse X-ray scattering methods for studying local order in epitaxially grown thin films.


Dr. Robert Roth

We are happy to welcome Dr. Robert Roth as a new Postdoctoral  researcher in our group! Robert will investigate "low-temperature scanning probe microscopy on ferroic materials".


Enlarged view: Johanna Nordlander Ph.D. defense

Johanna Nordlander receives her Ph.D degree for investigating "Complex Polar States in Ultrathin Epitaxial Oxides". Congratulations Johanna!



Enlarged view: Jannis Lehmann

First Ferroic online Ph.D defense ever... Jannis Lehmann receives his Ph.D. degree for investigating "Toroidal Order in Magnetic Metamaterials". Congratulations Jannis!


Enlarged view: Lea Forster

Dear Lea, what a special timing to start your doctorate (in homeoffice). But never the less, we all welcome you warmly - unfortuntely only virtual - in the Ferroic group and wish you a good start!

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When the virus shuts down the ETH, work continues ... in a different manner.


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We are happy to welcome Jingwen Li as a new member of our team!
During her PhD, Jingwen will investigate the dynamics of exotic correlated systems using THz spectroscopy.


Enlarged view: YMO-ChristmasTree

Yet another successful year ended, giving us the opportunity to come together and enjoy a delicious fondue and other gourmet food during our Christmas dinner. In a cozy atmosphere we reflected the events of the year and raised our glasses to awards, grants, individual as well as collective progress achieved within the past year. Sadly, it was also time to say goodbye to Ehsan. Luckily he stays close with his new postdoc position in Prof. Rupp’s group, Physics Department, ETH.


Enlarged view: Christian

Dr. Christian Tzschaschel was awarded a SNF post-doc mobility grant to move to Prof. Su-Yang Xu's group at Harvard University. We will sorely miss you!


Yevheniia Kholina

We welcome Yevheniia Kholina in our group and wish her a good start! She will join Dr. Arkadiy Simonov as a Ph. D. Student in his project "Optimizing functional materials through tailored disorder".


Enlarged view: PhD defense Christian Tzschaschel August 21, 2019

Christian Tzschaschel successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Coherent spin dynamics in optically excited antiferromagnets". Congratulations Christian!


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Michael Wörner's goodbye party: Barbecue and pub night with a special pub quiz including live music. We are very grateful for having had you with us, Michael.


Enlarged view: PhD defense Ehsan Hassanpour June 27, 2019

Ehsan Hassanpour Yesaghi receives his Ph.D degree for investigations on "Magnetoelectric Domain Control in a Multiferroic Rare-Earth Ferrite". Congratulations Ehsan (with his little son Amir Ali)!



Guest professor Dr. Michael Wörner

We warmely welcome Dr. Michael Wörner, Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, to our group. He will stay with us as guest professor until August 15, 2019.


The ferroics (*or Overarching Scrutinizers) complete the very first SOLA this year with outstanding scores!


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The Ferroic group member, Lukas Kürten, performed in the ScienceSlam on April 12th at the Swiss Interdisciplinary Students Congress in Zürich. In ten minutes (and with very few equations), he gave an overview of the many things advertised as “Quantum” on the internet and how many of those are scientifically valid (Spoiler: Almost none are!). If you missed it, you can find a performance on external page YouTube.


The FERROIC group welcomed the next generation of curious minds, as a group of high school students from Åva gymnasium (Sweden) visited our labs and learned about our research. We were delighted to host them and rumor has it, the school is already planning their return to ETH next year!


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Prof. Manfred Fiebig is back with us at the ETH Zurich after his six month stay at Rikken in Japan. Perfect moment to have some cake!


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Ferroics-afterwork pub night: Cozy atmosphere with draft beer and good music, darts, pool and poker ... all just one floor down. 


The World Economic Forum goes ferroic - the ferroics go World Economic Forum

The ETH Pavilion at the WEF, where the top political leaders, business leaders and economists discuss issues facing the world, gives a flavour of tomorrow's life. In this context, the materials department demonstrates how new materials will shape our future - including multiferroics to touch. Our ferroics team was represented by Thomas, Jannis, Ehsan and Lukas travelling through meters of snow to Davos.


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... when you realise that your research is attracting unexpected attention...


Enlarged view: Martin Sarrot

We are delighted to welcome Martin Sarott in our group. Martin will investigate - in-situ - emerging polar states at complex interfaces.



The Christmas dinner is always a nice occasion to get together in a joyful atmosphere, enjoy a fabulous fondue and to review a very productive and successful year. Prof. Manfred Fiebig did not want to miss it either and flew in from Japan for our party specifically.


Prof. Manfred Fiebig spends the next six months at the external page RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science in the group of Yoshinori Tokura on a sabbatical leave. Seen the frist photos, he already adapted to the local customs. We are looking forward to have you back, Manfred!


Enlarged view: chiaandyannick

This month we have the pleasure to welcome two new PhD students in our group - Chia-Jung Yang and Yannik Zemp! Chia will investigate on strongly correlated electron systems via THz; Yannik will explore coupled ferroic orders on the domain level.


Enlarged view: marvin

We are happy to welcome Marvin Müller as a new member of our team!
During his PhD, Marvin will investigate the timescales of ferroic switching processes.



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Once in a red moon... 103 minutes of total lunar eclipse seen from a truly romantic location: the Belvedere on Pentecost Mountain in Potsdam.


Enlarged view:  nightout

Air condition maintenance… laser system down… Fortunately there are concerts and football world cup in town – FERROICS night out.



Enlarged view:  lukas

We have the pleasure to welcome Lukas Kuerten as a Postdoc in our group! Lukas will investigate complex systems by scanning probe microscopy under extreme conditions.


Enlarged view: Logo Kyushu University

We welcome Dr. Pritam Khan and Masataka Kanamaru from Takuya Satoh's group at Kyushu University. They will stay with us for two weeks to investigate ultrafast dynamics in bismuth ferrite.

Spring 2018

The ferroics group would like to share the happiness of two group members for getting married. Congratulations to both on finding the perfect person to share all days with.


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We are highly delighted that Prof. Roman Pisarev from Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russia, visits the ferroics group for the next two weeks. It is a great pleasure to have you with us and to discuss new phenomena in field of ferroics.


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It is a great pleasure to us to welcome back Prof. Pierre Toledano for a visit in the ferroics group. We are looking forward to learn more about symmetry properties in crystals.


Enlarged view: PhD defense Peggy Schönherr, March 2, 2018

Peggy Schönherr receives her Ph.D degree for investigations on "Topological Structures in Magnetic and Electric Materials". Congratulations Peggy (currently unpacking the present...)!



Enlarged view: Marc Reynaud, Ph. D. Student, University of Texas at Austin,

We welcome Marc Reynaud, Ph. D. Student, University of Texas at Austin, Advanced Atomic Design Lab, Alex Demkov Group, to his work stay in our group! He will join us until the 31st May 2018.


Enlarged view: laura

It is a great pleasure for us to welcome Laura Maurel Vélazquez, Paul Scherrer Institut, as an honorary member of the FERROICs team for her long-lasting loyalty and friendship to the group.


Enlarged view: elsa

We are happy to welcome Elzbieta Gradauskaite as a new member of our team! During her PhD, Elzbieta will investigate ferroic states at oxide interfaces.



Enlarged view: Gabbo

Gabriele De Luca receives his Ph.D degree for investigations on "Controlling ferroic domain architecture in oxide heterostructures"! Congratulations Gabriele!


Peter Meisenheimer, PhD student University of Michigan

We welcome Peter Meisenheimer, Ph. D. Student, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, to his work stay in our group! He will join us until 21st September 2017.


Nature still does some of the best experiments... (Caspar, WY, USA, by Prof. Manfred Fiebig)


Welcome back Andres! Prof. Andres Cano from the CNRS, Bordeaux, France, stays with us again as a guest professor from August 14, 2017, to August 15, 2018.


Enlarged view: Peggy Schönherr Award

Peggy Schönherr wins the ‘Best Student Presentation’ award at the International Workshop on Topological Structures of Ferroic Materials 2017 for her talk about “Topological magnetic defects in helimagnetic FeGe”.


Enlarged view: Hiroki Ueda, Ph. D. student, University of Osaka, Japan

We welcome Hiroki Ueda, Ph. D. Student, Division of Materials Physics, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan, to his work stay in our group! He will join us until 31st October 2017.


Enlarged view: Rolf-Tarrach Prize 2017

Mads Weber receives the external page Rolf-TarrachPrize 2017 of the 'Amis de l'Université de Luxembourg' for his thesis conducted at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and the University of Luxembourg.            ©Michel Brumat / University of Luxembourg, 2017


Enlarged view:  Joint group retreat

Experiment meets Theory – joint group retreat of Nicola Spaldin’s and Manfred Fiebig’s groups at the Musikinsel Rheinau. The heads were spinning during discussions about common interests, reaching from strongly correlated systems via ultra-fast properties to world peace.


Enlarged view: Phd defense Christoph Wetli vom 31.03.2017

Christoph Wetli successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis about his investigations on "Time-Resolved Collapse and Revival of the Kondo State near a Quantum Phase Transition". Congratulations Chris! ...and he even mastered the ride on the vacuum pump.


Enlarged view: Dennis

Dennis Meier wins the renowned external page Gustav Hertz Prize of the German Physical Society (DPG) for his work on multiferroic domain walls.


Enlarged view: Jakob Schaab, PhD defense March 10 2017

Jakob Schaab receives his Ph.D degree for his investigations on "Electronic Transport and Correlation Phenomena at Improper Ferroelectric Domain Walls". Congratulations Jakob! 


Enlarged view: Phd Defense March 3 2017, Sebastian Manz

Sebastian Manz receives his Ph.D. degree for his investigations on "Magnetoelectric Domain Dynamics in TbMnO3". Congratulations Sebastian!




Enlarged view: Transit planet Mercury May 9th 2016

A cataclysmic event at ETH: The planet Mercury transits in front of the sun and darkens the day by 0.0004%. 


PD Dr. Dennis Meier has accepted an Associate Professor position at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, starting June 2016. Congratulations Dennis, we will miss you!


We are very happy to announce, that an ERC Advanced Grant for the Real-Time Observation of Emerging Properties in Ferroics was awarded to our group! It will allow to introduce nonlinear laser-optical processes as new in-situ technique. 


Enlarged view: Lilienblum Martin Defense 04.03.2016

Martin Lilienblum receives his Ph.D. degree for his investigations on "Ferroelectric order in multiferroic hexagonal manganites". Congratulations Martin!


Enlarged view: Gastprofessor Johann Kroha

We welcome Prof. Johann Kroha, guest professor from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. He will be staying with us until May 13, 2016, and we look forward to working together!



Enlarged view: Prof. Andres Cano

We welcome Prof. Andres Cano, Guest professor from the Institut de Chiemie de la Matière Condonsée de Bordeaux CNRS, Bordeaux, France. He will stay with us until the 31st December 2015 and we look forward working with him!


Laura Maurel Vélazques

We welcome Laura Maurel Vélazquez, Ph. D. Student, University of Zaragoza, Institute of Nanoscience of Aragón, Spain, to her second work stay in our group! She will join us until the 18th December 2015.


Enlarged view: Image of Takuya Satoh

We welcome Takuya Satoh from external page Kyushu University, Japan, as our guest professor for the next couple of months.

15.03. - 20.03.2015

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DPG Spring Meeting in Berlin 2015

Quite a busy event: Organization of a Scientific Woodstock on domain walls in ferroics, presentation of many results in talks and posters, and there was still time to enjoy Berlin (What a nice place!). And we saw the solar eclipse!



Enlarged view: Image of Naemi Leo

Naëmi Leo receives her Ph.D. degree for her investigations on "Control of Electric Polarisation by Magnetic Fields in Spin-Spiral Multiferroics". Congratulations Naëmi!


Enlarged view: Image of Carsten Becher

Carsten Becher receives his Ph.D. degree for investigating "Induced Polar States in Oxide Thin Films". Congratulations Carsten!


Enlarged view: Martin Lilienblum and his award winning picture

We congratulate Martin Lilienblum on winning the 2nd price at the image contest of the MRS meeting 2014!



Enlarged view: View from Niederbauen

We generated (optical rectification) and measured (electro-optic sampling) our first THz pulse. On the left handside you find the first ever measured THz pulse in the Department of Material Science at ETH!


Enlarged view: Markus Raschke

We welcome Markus Raschke, guest professor from the external page University of Colorado in the US. He will be staying with us for the next two months and work with us on interesting topics.


Enlarged view: Logo of IBM

Opening for a master thesis in collaboration with external page IBM Research Centre in Rüschlikon.



Enlarged view: Scheme of AFM principle

A brand-new force microscope has been delivered and installed!


Enlarged view: PLD Plume

A pulsed laser deposition system was granted by SNF and ETH. After 20 years of active research of optics and materials the group we will finally grow its first own sample!!


Enlarged view: Pierre Tolédano

We welcome Pierre Tolédano, guest professor from the external page University of Picardie in France. He will be staying with us for the next couple of months and strengthen the group's efforts in condensed-matter theory.  


Enlarged view: Funny picture of moving stuff

Phew, the toughest part of the move is over. Full laser operation resumed in Zurich.


Enlarged view: APS Logo

The APS Fellowship of the Division of Condensed Matter Physics is awarded to Prof. Manfred Fiebig "For developments in non-linear optics and their application to solving seminal problems in multiferroics". Congratulations Manfred!


Enlarged view: Masakazu and Martin

Transfer of the laser labs from Bonn to Zurich.



Enlarged view: Multiferroic Logo

Official opening of the Institute of Multifunctional Ferroic Materials with five members changing from the University of Bonn, Germany, where they had worked before, to ETH Zurich.

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