

The group attended the DPG spring meeting of the condensed matter section in Berlin, where our group and former members of our group were very well represented, in particular in the sessions on ferroic materials and their properties. We enjoyed the nightlife and the international food in the global city of Berlin. The DPG-INNOMAG award in magnetism was awarded to our alumni Chia-Jung Yang. Congratulations, Chia!


The group attended the DPG spring meeting of the condensed matter section in Dresden. We presented our work on second harmonic generation imaging, strained improper ferroelectrics, and heavy fermions, we also enjoyed plenty of nights out at the lively Neustadt. The highlight of the meeting certainly was the award ceremony of the Stern-Gerlach medal, which was awarded to Manfred Fiebig. Congratulations, Manfred!


The full group attended the DPG 'spring' meeting of the condensed matter section in Regensburg in September, the first in-person DPG meeting since 2019! The week has been packed with exciting talks on various topics, ranging from improper ferroelectrics to strongly correlated heavy fermion systems. All group members contributed with a talk of their own, and for many group members it was the first in-person contributed talk of their PhD. A highlight has been the plenary career talk given by Manfred Fiebig at the beginning of the week, and the delicious Bavarian food and drinks at the end of the week.


A view of the skyscrapers in Chicago

The group has attended the APS March Meeting in Chicago, where Manfred Fiebig has been awarded the Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids and we were able to catch up on our colleagues' work in person for the first time after the pandemic. And what breathtaking architecture this city has!

Material Research Society Fall Meeting 2019

The beginning of December brought a great conference week at the MRS Fall Meeting in Boston with Multiferroics galore! The week included among others an invited talk by Manfred and a contributed talk by Johanna, as well as plenty of insightful discussions, networking opportunities and some of the first snow of the season!

Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) 2019

A part of the Nonlinear Optics team joint the external page JEMS 2019 held from August 26-30 in Uppsala, Sweden showing our latest results on multiferoics and artificial spin systems in three oral presentations (Amadé, Ehsan & Marcela) and one semi-plenary talk (Thomas). The largest meeting on magnetism in Europe was a great opportunity for everyone to get new insights in recent developments in this fascinating field of research.

F22 - joint conference 2019

Great conference week in Lausanne (July 14-19)! The external page F22 meeting has been a nice opportunity to meet colleagues and get more insights into the physics of ferroelectric thin films!


DPG spring meeting 2019

It is always a great enjoyment for the entire group to attend the external page DPG spring meeting of the condensed matter section, this year in Regensburg. For an entire week, we had the pleasure to attend interesting talks and poster sessions resulting in lots of fruitful discussions. On top of that, the entire group contributed with talks in many different sessions ranging from heavy fermion systems, ultrafast processes to superconductivity with a focus of course on ferroic materials. A particular highlight the talk by our former colleague Dr. Peggy Schönherr competing in the finals for the PhD-thesis award of the DPG. Following long days of exploring exciting new frontiers in solid state research, we usually enjoyed the local specialities in restaurants and beer gardens, explored the beautiful historic old town of Regensburg or watched the amazing sunset from the Galgenbergerbrücke.

Electronic Materials and Applications conference 2019

The external page Electronic Materials and Applications conference was held from the 23.01. to the 25.01.2019 in “The City Beautiful” - Orlando, Florida. Sunshine rays sparked discussions and new collaborations during the plethora of symposia covering a broad range of topics in the field of ceramics. Morgan Trassin co-organized an exciting symposium on Frontiers in Ferroic Oxides: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications. Furthermore, our group gave an invited (Mads) and an oral contribution (Nives) which was awarded with the best presentation price.

EMRS fall meeting 2018


One of Europe’s biggest material science conferences, the EMRS fall meeting, led members of the ferroics group to Warsaw, Poland. At a marvellous venue at the technical university of Warsaw, phenomena of ferroic materials were one of the hot topics of the conference represented in several symposia and gathering world leading experts in the field. We participated at this great event with one invited and two oral contributions (of which one was awarded a best presentation price).

Gordon Research Conference 2018

The ETH professors Manfred Fiebig and Nicola Spaldin organized the external page Gordon Research Conference 2018 on multiferrioc and magneto-electric materials. The meeting gathered world leading experts in the field discussing the most recent advances and the future prospects of multiferroics. Besides the meeting organisation by Prof. Manfred Fiebig our group was actively participating in the conference with poster presentations (best poster award for Johanna Nordlander) as well as talks and discussion leading during the preceding Gordon Research Seminar.


DPG Spring meeting 2018 in Berlin

This year’s joint meeting of the DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) and EPS (European Physics Society) condensed matter divisions took us to Berlin. Our entire group not only participated, but also contributed with diverse talks to a variety of sessions such as Ultrafast Magnetization Effects, Magnetic Domain Walls, Ferroics and Multiferroics, as well as Spin Hall Effects or Quantum-Critical Phenomena. Besides fascinating scientific discussions, we had a chance to learn from the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar about artificial intelligence and of course to explore Berlin. We visited the panorama of the divided Berlin in 1980s by Y. Asisi, went out for sightseeing and enjoyed various cuisines that Berlin has to offer, ranging from Greek over Israeli to Persian.

9th Workshop on Multiferroics 2017

In the second week of November 2017, some members of the group participated in the external page 9th Workshop on Multiferroics at the Kashiwa campus, University of Tokyo, Japan. Talks were given by more than 20 invited speakers who shaped the field of multiferroics over the last years. The talks spanned a broad range of state-of-the-art topics leading to discussions around ordered phases and phase bounderies, strong correlations in solid state systems, and topological materials. Our group participated with one invited talk (Manfred Fiebig) and three posters (Ehsan Hassanpour, Jannis Lehmann and Thomas Lottermoser).

9th Workshop on Multiferroics

DPG Spring meeting 2017 in Dresden

As every year we attended the DPG Spring meeting, this time in Dresden.

DPG Spring meeting 2017 Dresden

DPG Spring Meeting 2016 in Regensburg

We have spent an interesting week and learnt a lot from the European and German physicist community about the latest results of Domain walls. In the evening we took walks along the river Donau, enjoyed regional specialities and music in the historic old town.


DPG Spring meeting 2016 in Regensburg, Germany

DPG Spring Meeting 2015 in Berlin

Quite a busy event: Organization of a Scientific Woodstock on domain walls in ferroics, presentation of many results in talks and posters, and there was still time to enjoy Berlin (What a nice place!). And we saw the solar eclipse!!!

Some Impressions from the DPG Spring Meeting in Berlin

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