
Students from the Complex Material II lecture visited the group, explored the work done by the current PhD students, and enjoyed an apéro together with current PhD students and postdocs. We hope to see many students join us for new projects again this year.

Elsa received the privilege to launch the inaugural edition of the external page EPS Structural Dynamics Afternoon Online Workshop. In her very first invited talk, she got to share her exciting work on homochiral domain walls in BiFeO3 in front of an engaging audience. Way to go, Elsa!

Master students from the Complex Material II lecture visited the Ferroic group on 09.05.2022! Under the guidance of current PhD students, we went from the laser lab to the pulsed-laser-deposition lab, and then to the scanning probe microscopy lab. The students not only could visualize their knowledge from the lecture but also see how science is usually done here in the Ferroic group. We ended the lab visit with a nice Apero under the sun. We are excited and hope to see many students join our group for exciting projects.

We designed and built large magnetic-field coils for upgrading our small optical LHe cryostats. With a size of more than 30³cm³ and a weight of about 50Kg, the Helmholtz coil can generate homogeneous magnetic fields of more than 50 mT over large volumes in the sample space. Furthermore, by placing cm³-sized soft iron field guides inside the cryostat, the magnet can generate fields of more than 200mT.
Constructed by: Jannis Lehmann, Shovon Pal, Chia-Jung Yang, Sebastian Reitz
Artificial spin system unveiling connections between magnetic interactions and ferroic properties

Macroscopic features of long-range-ordered phases of matter such as the size and morphology of domains or the mobility of domain walls are a fingerprint of the underlying microscopic interactions. external page Here we use artificial ferroic crystals to uncover and tune that relation. external page Read more
Antireflex coating inspired by nature

external page Nature has intricate ways to enhance the visual efficiency of fly eyes with nanostructured surface coatings. The related proteins were identified and similar nanostructures were synthesized in a collaboration of the University of Geneva and the FERROIC Lab at the ETH Zurich. Further reading
Proof of Concept Grant Brings Light to Consumer Electronics

An external page ERC Proof of Concept grant allows the Laboratory of Multifunctional Ferroic Materials to build an "atomic camera" that will greatly improve the quality of materials for consumer electronics. Check out further information.
Elucidating the Elusive: Nonlinear Optics Tracks Antiferromagnetism in Real Space

A research collaboration between the Laboratory for Multifunctional Ferroic Materials (ETH Zurich) and the Satoh Lab (Tokyo Institute of Technology) tracks the “invisible” magnetism in an antiferromagnetic material on the move. Understanding the dynamics of antiferromagnets is crucial for the development of electronic devices that are orders of magnitude faster than the existing ones. Further reading. external page Nat. Com. 10, 3995 (2019)
Swirling Magnetic Order in Artificial Crystals

In a collaboration between the Laboratory for Multifunctional Ferroic Materials (Manfred Fiebig, ETH Zurich) the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems (Laura Heyderman, ETH Zurich, PSI) and the Condensed Matter Theory Group (Peter Derlet, PSI), an exotic new type of magnetic order has been designed and controlled. Further reading. external page Nat. Nano. 14, 141 (2019)
Perfect inversion

Perfectly inverting complex structures is of great technical importance. Researchers at ETH have now succeeded in turning the magnetic and electric structure of materials into their opposites using a single magnetic field pulse. Further reading: ETH News and external page Nature: News and Views; external page Nature 560, 466 (2018)
EquipSent - An initiative to strengthen research and education in the world

We are proud to have with our colleague Marcela Giraldo the co-president of the social initiative external page EquipSent in the team. To strengthen research and education in the world, EquipSent provides lower-income countries with fully functional scientific equipment that has been early disposed in high-income countries. Follow their journey and get more information on their sustainable transfers external page here.
Enter the world of multiferroics and SHG

ISOE 2017, Cargèse
Learn more about the external page evolution of multiferroics and external page SHG with Manfred Fiebig's lectures at the ISOE 2017.