Numerical Simulations Group

Research on the physical properties of ferroic materials like ferroelectrics or antiferromagnets or multiferroics combining electric and magnetic order is the core topic in our laboratory. The numerical simulations group contributes to this this research activities on several specific subjects, e.g. the study of critical behaviour at ferroic phase transitions or the often complex topology of domain structures. For this we deploy various numerical simulation techniques like Monte-Carlo or phase-field simulations.
Our research goes into the following directions:
- Modeling
- Visualization
- Prediction
Most recent publications
- Magnetoelectric coupling of domains, domain walls and vortices in a multiferroic with independent magnetic and electric order, M. Giraldo, Q. Meier, A. Bortis, D. Nowak, N.A. Spaldin, M. Fiebig, M.C. Weber, and Th. Lottermoser, external page Nature Communications 12, 3093 (2021)
- Reversible optical switching of antiferromagnetism in TbMnO3, S. Manz, M. Matsubara, Th. Lottermoser, J. Büchi, A. Iyama, T. Kimura, D. Meier, and M. Fiebig, external page Nat. Photon. 10, 653 (2016)
- Ferroelectricity in the multiferroic hexagonal manganites, M. Lilienblum, Th. Lottermoser, S. Manz, S. M. Selbach, A. Cano, and M. Fiebig, external page Nat. Phys. 11, 1070 (2015)
Monte Carlo simulation of ferroelectric domains as they typically occur in hexagonal manganites like YMnO3.
external page Nat. Phys. 11, 1070 (2015)