Nonlinear Optics Group
Nonlinear optical techniques like second harmonic generation are especially sensitive to the symmetry properties of matter. Therefore nonlinear optics are predestinated to study all kinds of ferroic and multiferroic ordering which always goes along with distinct changes in symmetry. In our research group we apply nonlinear optical techniques to study
- phase transitions in ferroics and multiferroics
- magnetoelectric coupling effects
- ferroic domain topographies
- dynamic properties of magnetic and ferrolectric ordering
The Team
Most recent publications
- Magnetoelectric inversion of domain patterns, N. Leo, V. Carolus, J.S. White, M. Kenzelmann, M. Hudl, P. Tolédano, T. Honda, T. Kimura, S.A. Ivanov, M. Weil, Th. Lottermoser, D. Meier, and M. Fiebig, external page Nature 560, 466 (2018)
- New insights into the multiferroic properties of Mn₃TeO₆, S.A. Ivanov, C. Ritter, P. Nordblad, R. Tellgren, M. Weil, V. Carolus, Th. Lottermoser, M. Fiebig, and R. Mathieu
external page J. Phys. D 50, 085001 (2017)
- Reversible optical switching of antiferromagnetism in TbMnO3, S. Manz, M. Matsubara, Th. Lottermoser, J. Büchi, A. Iyama, T. Kimura, D. Meier, and M. Fiebig, external page Nat. Photon. 10, 653 (2016)
- Robustness of magnetic and electric domains against charge carrier doping in multiferroic hexagonal ErMnO3, E. Hassanpour, V. Wegmayr, J. Schaab, Z. Yan, E. Bourret-Courchesne, Th. Lottermoser, M. Fiebig, and D. Meier, New. J. Phys. 18,43015 (2016). external page DOI:10.1088/1367-2630/18/4/043015
- Ferroelectricity in the multiferroic hexagonal manganites, M. Lilienblum, Th. Lottermoser, S. Manz, S. M. Selbach, A. Cano, and M. Fiebig, external page Nat. Phys. 11, 1070 (2015)